After Anderson Coopers' intervju regarding "INDIGO CHILDREN" I just had to look for more info on the Net...
And I Found a lot...
for exampel this....
(how they are... these children..)
Born in 1978 or later
Creative, with an artistic flair for music, jewelry making, poetry etc.
Prone to addictions
An ‘old soul’, as if they’re 13 going on 43
Intuitive or psychic, possibly with a history of seeing angels or deceased people
An isolationist, either through aggressive acting-out, or through fragile introversion
Independent and proud, even if they’re constantly asking for money
Possesses a deep desire to help the world in a big way
Wavers between low self-esteem and grandiosity
Bores easily
Has probably been diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD
Prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares, or difficulty/fear of falling asleep
Has a history of depression, or even suicidal thoughts or attempts
Looks for real, deep and lasting friendships
Easily bonds with plants or animals
This is an "INDIGO CHILD"
Indigo Children are among those born between approximately 1978 and 1995. They are young self-reliant, headstrong, and creative eccentrics who make their own rules and live by their hearts and wit. They have a good sense of humor. Indigos, exquisitely sensitive in many ways, are extremely sensitive to lies or lack of integrity in others. Indigos are here to change our political, educational, nutritional, family, and other systems, as well as to help all of us reach our potential by becoming more natural and intuitive. They have a job to do, and they won't let anyone stand in their way.
A little more about these Indigo Children...
Tales of Indigo Children
Some children born approximately between 1978 and 1988 are said to have special abilities and experiences, and have been labeled the Indigo Children. This week we bring you some of their tales: I was born in 1989 and I have this "sixth sense." Even though I can't hear or see it, I can tell when someone turns on something electronic that has a high current like a computer or TV. I can also tell when lightning will strike because I guess I can sense the build up. Justin M. Yes, I'm an indigo child born on this day (Oct 17) 1975. I am very psychic, can manipulate mass weather systems (ex. what a nice, cool summer we just had in Baltimore, where I live) and communicate with the other side, among many things. I am an orchestra conductor and learned my craft from a famous deceased conductor. I am learning how to tap the library from the inside (library of the universe). Amy W. maestradiva@hotmail.com I was born in 1978, so I fall under the dates and I have a special ability. I am a veterinary student and I am currently working as a veterinary receptionist in a 24-hour emergency veterinary hospital. This is my first experience in a customer service/billing atmosphere. My ability: I am able to tell which checks (from clients) will "bounce" and which credit cards will be declined, just by holding it/accepting it from the client. My co-workers are amazed and it's just like a game. They have even started to tally my "hits". I'm also able to tell which patients will be "no shows" and which clients will abandon their pets when making a boarding/kennel reservation/receiving costly medical treatment. Sadly, none of my abilities seem to help on the medical side of things. Does this make me an indigo child? Cherie I'm 19 and strongly believe that I am an indigo child… Awake [I experienced] particles of light that were in shapes (triangles, circles, squares, octagons, etc.). They'd be different colors and they'd appear out of nowhere, and get larger and larger, the closer they got to me. As these particles of light got to their closest point to me they'd break up and begin an orbit around my head (like a halo). I would grab at these particles and I'd hold them only for a short while before they'd come out of the ends of my hands. Jedd N. I've often wondered if I might be an Indigo Child…I was very different as a child, highly creative, and much of a loner…By age ten I was interested in crystals, meditation and varying forms of spiritual or New Age lore that continues to this day. I was often ridiculed and bullied for being "weird" and I was never interested in the same things other kids were. I have very little patience with religions, government or what I perceive to be outdated forms of controlling the masses. I also have problems with authority. I was sent to counseling to determine why I was so different, but luckily the counselor herself was very spiritual from her time in the 60's and reassured my parents there was nothing wrong with me. My cousin, also an indigo child and born in 1977, was not so lucky. He was diagnosed with ADD and medicated most of his life. He also has had similar experiences like mine, though less frequent now. Because of this, I wonder sometimes if most of my own indigo qualities still remain, as the way I was raised conflicted many times with who I knew I was. AshleyAshXF@aol.com I don't know that I have been given a gift because of when I was born which was 1979. I have prophetic dreams...I actually went to the other side and felt a feeling unexplainable in words. This happened when i was about 17. A great peaceful feeling…I see spirits and get messages when I sleep. My life path is to help people, prepare people. My most recent message from the other side is in my quest to settle in a safe place. I was told to look toward Native American teachings and also that the safest place was messaged to me like this. If you drive to Seattle and you are making good time, it is 5 hours each way ,10 hour round trip. Go to the mountains because soon the earth will start to heat up and people will not be able to breath. 5 hrs from Seattle could be a lot of places. But if I had all the answers I would already be there.Sheila M. I believe my daughter may be an Indigo child. She was born Sept. 8 1988, and is extremely talented. She has the big blue eyes that I have read were associated...... and so on!!
I am thinking now about my own children, the boys born 1977 and 1978, both very talented and special... with a great sensitivity and artistic skills, Danny with his strange premonitions as a child, super sensitive for the needs of animals, Carlos with a more than usual developed need for righteousness and what is fair in this world... I really believe there is something in this..
And then there are also my grandchildren with their interest in the supernatural and their great creative minds.. surely Jennie, born 1978, has the gift of experiencing other spirits and odd things happening in the world we others can not normally see and feel..
Hur träffad kände inte jag mig när jag läste det där..?
Var kan man få mer info om det mormor??
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