"These globes of light were of a blue-white hue and seemed to come right out from the top of the hill. They circled the hill and flew out to sea to the south, flying right over us. They made several quick circles and angle turns. You could hear a slight hissing or whistling sound, almost inaudible, which seemed to come from them.
"After that, they returned to Playa Grande and Cerro Ventana, areas controlled by the US Navy, and disappeared inside the mountain. It was as if they had merged with the side of the mountain.
"After that, they returned to Playa Grande and Cerro Ventana, areas controlled by the US Navy, and disappeared inside the mountain. It was as if they had merged with the side of the mountain.
"I wasn't aware of the object at first because I was the captain and in charge of the rudder at the time. An’bal and his father saw it and yelled, 'Carlos, look at that!' I looked back and saw this huge ... a sort of craft. It came out from the sea near the Playa Grande lagoon, in the south, where the Navy's (Raytheon) ROTHR radar system is installed. It rose from its position and started moving closer to us.
"It was an extraordinary huge craft, immense, with many lights all around it. It was a flying saucer, a round disc-like craft, but really huge in size. It was at some distance from us, but clearly visible due to its size and the lights it had all over it, yellow, blue, and red lights.
"The peculiar thing about all this was that the object, that saucer, was taking in water from the sea. The water at the sea's surface was swirling in a circle, and jumping, as if boiling. It was like a whirlpool. It seemed to be going up into the saucer in a column of water.
"We were all very impressed. It was the first time in my life that I have seen anything like this craft. From where we were, it looked to be about 40 to 50 feet in diameter, and we were about a mile and a half away from it. That can give you some idea of the size.
"But what impressed me the most was that it was sucking water from the sea, and the water was swirling like in a blender. A column of bright green light, similar to that of a powerful spotlight, was coming out from under the object. There was a hole there and the beam came out downwards, vertically. The water went up into the saucer through the beam of light. After that, the object flew away to the west at a fantastic speed and disappeared in a matter of seconds.
"Many other people have seen these type of crafts, so called flying saucers, in both the western and eastern parts of Vieques. If we analyze this situation more deeply, we can see that these areas are controlled by the US Navy, and the Navy has never denounced this situation. They must have some knowledge of what is taking place. They just don't seem to care about the presence of these objects.
"Because of this we must ask ourselves if there is some sort of communication or collaboration between these crafts' occupants and people from the US Navy. But this is difficult to ascertain. It is a complex situation. We must ask ourselves what is going on because the Navy never denounces this and they (the Navy) have been here for 62 years.
Visst är det en ganska fantastisk tanke att under den här öns kaotiska ytterskal slingrar sig ett helt system av kanaler , grottor militära installationer... inhemska eller utomjordiska...
Enligt en artikel hävdas att forskare har hittat en (eller flera) tunnlar--- en som sträcker sig till Spanien..
!!!!! som man tror byggdes av atlantider... (vilket naturligtvis skulle bekräfta min egen uppfattning att den här ön en gång varit en del av Atlantis)....
1 comment:
Låter intressant. Atlantider....borde kollas upp nogrannare. men hur är det nu när militärbasen på vieques är borta - borde utforskas grundligt av någon fristående grupp forskare.
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