We live in Country Club, Rio Piedras. Today I called El Nuevo Dia to find out if there is a phone number for emergencies regarding this Dengue epidemi in Puerto Rico. Every day there are articles in the paper but I can not find any way for people to call and report dangers or to get advise. The Webb info in todays El Nuevo Dia was not of any help. But I finally got in contact with a woman who gave me some email addresses. These is what I wrote:
As I said above.. I live in Country Club. 4:th ext. married to a boriqua For several years now we have had a dialogue with the (AAA) Water and Sewer Company about problems with the sewers. Every time it rains a lot the street gets flooded and we have dirty water coming back into the house.. there is a blockage some place down the street. According to my husband the Water Company have told him that the problem is so big that they have to break up the street in order to fix it.. SO NOTHING is being done.. it costs to much.. and the normal maintenance is not performed. Year after year. At the end of the street there is the quebrada (a little river)... completely green/brown a nice place for these mosquitos to lay their eggs.
Now the dirty sewer water and its ingredienses (like from the toilet) is bubbling up and into our patio...
The last weeks now the Major of San Juan, the hon. Santini has expressed his concerns about the dangerous situation at certain places... for example in Ocean Park. And that is very good.. and wise.. but what about here and the behavior of The Water Company? I know this problem is not only ours.
We have to pay a lot of money for the service to have water and to get rid of our wastes. Yes we have water even if I have to take my showers late in the nights, because the pressure is too low... but what about the sewer thing? We are charged for that also. But now we have it in our patio and soon inside the house. What can be done?
Now the Dangerous Dengue threat!! My husband got Dengue and could have died.. it was the BAD one.. but still he is suffering the effects... I am 68 years old... not from here,.. and not in such a good health generally. if I get Dengue fever who knows if I survive..
SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO: Horribly painful dengue fever striking hundreds of thousands
Published: September 30th, 2007 01:00 AM
Dengue fever is spreading across Latin America and the Caribbean in one of the worst outbreaks in decades, causing agonizing joint pain for hundreds of thousands of people and killing nearly 200 so far this year.
The mosquitoes that carry dengue are thriving in urban slums.
The disease – known as “bonebreak fever” because of the pain – can incapacitate patients for as long as a week with flulike symptoms. A deadly hemorrhagic form, which also causes internal and external bleeding, accounts for less than 5 percent of cases but has shown signs of growing.
So far this year, 630,356 dengue cases have been reported in the Americas – most in Brazil, Venezuela or Colombia – with 12,147 cases of hemorrhagic fever and 183 deaths, according to the Pan American Health Organization. With the spread expected to accelerate during the upcoming rainy season in many countries, cases this year could exceed the 1,015,000 reported in 2002, said Dr. Jose Luis San Martin, head of anti-dengue efforts for the PAHO.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta says there’s no drug to treat hemorrhagic dengue, but proper treatment, including rest, fluids and pain relief, can reduce death rates to about 1 percent. (The Associated Press)
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