Monday, September 05, 2005

Home sweet home...

Back in Puerto Rico, and finding the house upsidedown, not any new experience as you know if you are a reader of my blogs. This time though almost everything was piled up in the "garage"
due to work with the floors which are going to be polished after some heavy machine-work.
Only my room, grandma's room and the bathroom was left out of this great job. But they are full of all the things taken out from the other rooms. A. was trying hard to encourage me with a lot of promises of how wonderful it will be when finnished. Oh, well IF it will be finnished, ever! Surely I think it will be a great improvement since this is something I have been wanting and asking for during all the past years. He had also bought a lot of new furniture. Nice looking things in mahogany and glass. A "chinero" two towers (Entertainment Center) for the TV. Two supersized sofas that will be almost impossible to accomodate in this small livingroom and I hope we will be able to exchange them with a set more suitable (and in a darker color). Yes, Jennie!! He had purchased that big bed you said! The big surprise!! A BIG queen bed with posters of mahogany, together with a big drawer including a mirror. The son of one of our neighbours is painting all over. Hopefully not over the new furniture! The studio was so full of clutter that I could not reach the PC and the washingmachine until yesterday.
Well, from all this one can really understand the level of his desperation. He finally understood that he was about to be left alone. Now it is up to me to make up my mind (he says)....
Okay!! I will try! But if he believes I am going to share his bed he is wrong. I am not ready for that, if ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Skönt att se att du är hemma och fått nya krafter att ta itu med allt. Det blir säkert bra. Möblerna går säkert att byta om dom är för stora, kolla upp det bara så fort ni kan.
Annars är allt bra. Tittar lite då och då på dina bloggar. Har laggt till denna funktion med kommentarer pga spam. Jobbar med att fixa menyn på höger sida så den inte faller ner.